I have mixed reactions this time of the year. I love the autumn in Michigan and with my newly-retired husband by my side all summer, we have decided to visit the fall color in the upper peninsula, which is a first for us both. But, with the temperatures getting colder and the lodge with no […]
Kathy Baker
Silver Burners–Saying Goodbye
My little buddy and I were surprised on the last day to feel extremely sad to be leaving port-a-johns, dust, extreme heat and air mattresses behind. We felt bad that we could not set up our camp “Nailed It’ with Brooke, Gage and their friends. They worked tremendously hard to make sure the camp was […]
Silver Burners–Acting Like Kids
I wasn’t expecting a gigantic playground of art I could climb or a hallucinogenic Dr. Suess movie, nor was I expecting A Mad Max movie, but it was all that and more in my desert experience. The first night of my arrival, Gage and Brooke took me to the Thunderdome, which was straight out of […]
Silver Burners–Night of Burning The Man
It was a warm night filled with revelry, laughter, music, and dancing. The festivities on the night of the man burning was one gigantic party. The costumes and people watching were magical. One of my favorite sayings is “There is nothing prettier than young” and watching the outfits on the young ones who could slip […]
Silver Burners–Bringing Our Friends and Family
Aside from my beautiful daughters, Dawn and Brooke (and her husband Gage), whose presence were the most delightful bonus to my Burningman experience–traveling with my friend Teri added to the depth of the week. She was easy and fun, and at any moment of reflection or observation added wisdom to any situation. She was the […]
Silver Burners–Transportation
If we had only walked the 7-square mile city of Burningman and not biked or rode the art car, we would have thrown out more than two pairs of boots. We hiked back from the Playa one night, under the stars, after hitching a ride on our friend’s art car. Walking meant you could actually […]