Mail Call!

“Mail was a big thing and I saved the funny letters and postcards that I wrote and my parents, brothers and grandparents wrote to me with encouragement,” said Gail Schultheiss (1966) l, who said she begged for a Maqua sweatshirt and tee shirt in every piece of mail, which her family still laughs about to this day.

Sandy Indianer (1967+) said forming relationships was easy for her, but said if the internet had been invented back then, she probably would have stayed in touch with some of her cabin mates. The way she stayed in touch with family in those days was the weekly letter home—“not long or involved”, but she recalled asking her Mom to have her Dad PRINT her a letter, since he was a doctor and his writing was atrocious. And, he did!

Kim Wynne-Parry (1963-68) also loved getting mail from her parents and grandparents and loved sending postcards home. “I’m pretty sure I wrote in huge letters, so there could not have been much on those cards, but I threw them out a few years ago.”

Her sister Vicki also wrote home to her parents and still has her letter on birchbark. Kay Alcorn also wrote postcards on birch bark once a week.  “I don’t think anyone told us this was not a real good thing for the stately birch trees,” said Kay, who camped in the late forties.

“Basically, I told my Mom I was having a good time and the weather was great,” said sixties camper Deb Wilkinson, who bought her postcards at the same time she bought her ice cream and candy at the camp store.

Taps and Reveille


It was always an honor to be chosen to participate in the flag ceremonies at camp. The tradition of Reveille with the flag-raising, and Taps blown at flag lowering at the end of the night, were tradtions that remained in the memories of the women who participated.“I still remember what an honor and big deal it was to get chosen to raise or lower the flag,” said Jeri Smith (1965)– still puzzled by the selection process.

In the fifties, Janet Dixon recalled; “Each day began with a bugle playing Reveille and the lonesome sound of Taps at lights out.” For Dawn Sohigian (1966-74) it added to the wonderful structure that comprised the days at camp. Others, like Pamela Hartz (1966-75) loved waking up to the sound of the bugle blasting through the camp and the routines and structure that served as her anchor.

“There was a seating area where we would wait for the big bell to ring. We had to be there for flag raising,” said Beverly Schlatter (1944-49). “It was traditional—rain or shine. It was deemed to be quite important and attendance was required.” There were rules that were remembered surrounding the ceremony involving the flag—no bare feet, and coming and going by the bell in the sixties for Mary Obey.

High On Chapel Hill

The beautiful spot nestled in the trees, high on a hill, became the spiritual heart of the camp in 1933, when monies donated helped to build what became known as Chapel Hill. Wooden log benches, a cross and a podium were built and became the spot for the non-denominational services on Sundays.

It was dedicated in 1934 and a scene from that day can be found on page fifty-one in the book “Camp Maqua”. Director Wilma Lewis, camp doctor Lorna Feng (from China), staff member Alice Forbes and YWCA president Mrs. F. Lewis were all present for the event.

A paragraph from the “Loon” in 1965 described the spot. “Chapel Hill”- Sunday morning most of the campers went to Chapel Hill, –where you meet to sing hymns and listen to the reading of the psalms. The view on Chapel Hill is magnificent. The lake is royal blue, which contrasts a royal blue sky. The trees seem to point to the clouds one by one as they float back and forth in the wind. The cross sets off the scent on Chapel Hill. It signifies the way God makes his world so beautiful.”

In 1971, the camp committee sent a letter to Bishop Rae, concerning a priest for camp, but there were no references to a priest ever coming to camp for services. Instead, the Catholic girls were driven into town to attend mass.

Janet Dixon (1950-51), who was Protestant, attended the services on the hill, and felt very close to God in the peaceful setting. “It was very rustic, in the woods, up on a hill overlooking the lake. A simple lectern faced rows of rustic benches, where we sat overlooking the water. I think the counselors conducted the services.”

Sundays were devoted to church services, according to Toni Young’s 1966 program director’s report. The Catholics went to mass in town and the rest were on Chapel Hill and conducted by Toni with the help of counselors. The service for Toni consisted of a call to worship, hymn, scripture, hymn or duet by two counselors, prayer, message, hymn and benediction.

She preferred the song books to the hymnals, as she felt they were not as ecumenical and preferred the New English translation of the New Testament for it’s easy to understand text. (Compared to the King James Version.) She also used the back of the hymnal and “Hymns for Worship” for prayers, as well as some of her own booklets from her previous camping years.

Vespers usually consisted of a quiet song, a poem, more quiet songs and Barbara Haggart usually led both. “The cabins were dismissed after several songs and cabin nine and Senior Village formed a friendship circle to sing taps,” she wrote.

Jane McKinley (1956-59) remembered singing all the time. “I still have my songbook with all the notations. We had vespers before dinner, which was a quiet time with prayer and singing. I always thought that was so nice and I still remember the lyrics to “Peace I Ask Of Thee O River”, which has become a family tradition. I even wrote a theme in high school on singing. When you sing in a choir, there is camaraderie and a shared experience as singing along. Even the singing on Chapel Hill was beautiful.”

A Day In The Life Of A K.A.



Jennifer McLogan and Laurie Borgeson were kitchen aides in 1969 and described their positions as assistants to the cook and her helper, who prepared whatever accompanied the main dish, retrieved the utensils for the meal, served seconds, coffee and tea and cleaned up.

Basically, they cleaned up after meals, including trash, dishes and kitchen. There was a three-compartment sink and racks for drying and towels to cover. The pots and pans had to be dried and set upside down on the racks, floors swept, and countertops wiped. Garbage was disposed of and floors were mopped three days a week.

(Doris Engibous,1966-70, remembered a story of Sue Purdue, who was always in trouble for calling the trash garbage or the garbage trash as a kitchen aide. “I cannot remember which was the proper word, but there would be hilarious and uproarious laughter when she got yelled at.”)

The storage room, which was located in the back of the “trading post”, housed all the food items, and the aides kept an eye on items that needed replenishing. The aides also assisted with classes in their spare time.

I Wasn’t A Picky Eater, But—-

“I grew up eating everything, but there was one counselor who always made us take a “no thank you helping”, said Jan Mosier (1947-52).  “Early on there was skim milk and pasteurized milk that gave me the shivers, and I could not stand cottage cheese or raisins. I objected to eating it, but I remember holding my nose, putting it in my mouth and shoving a piece of bread in to help with the taste. Of course, I could still taste it. To this day I still don’t eat them. My daughter always teases me by saying, “Mom, I’m going to the store. Do you want any cottage cheese or raisins?”

“The food at camp was awful,” laughed Laurie Cone (1962-68). “Casseroles with noodles, which I guess you had to cook to feed the big groups of girls. To this day, I cannot gag down a tuna noodle casserole! But, I thought it was “the bomb” to have hot dog and hamburger cook-outs.”

Two self-admitted picky eaters were Valerie Monto (1964-68) and Jeri Smith (1965). Valerie always had snacks inbetween meals, but the only time she could get them was her excursion to the camp store. Jeri was not a fruit and veggie girl, and although she loved breakfast, she hated dinner. “I was always hungry and I think they felt sorry for me because I didn’t eat, so they let me have peanut butter and jelly.”

Kim Wynne-Parry (1963-68) always loved breakfast the best, with bacon, eggs and memorable portions of food, and although she was not a picky eater, if there was institution style green beans or peas, they did not enter her mouth!

“I wasn’t a picky eater, but I thought the food was terrible,” echoed identical sentiments from Helen McLogan (1972-74) and Kathleen Dworman (1966). For Kathleen, saying grace was new, as she was Jewish, but for Helen, warm “Bug Juice” in the metal pitchers at room temperature stayed in her memory.

Val Van Laan (1965-70) was not used to having to eat food she didn’t like. “One year I had a counselor that made us eat everything, including the tomato soup and beets I couldn’t stand. I remember when she wasn’t looking, we would hide the food in our napkins.”

Maybe, Val should have tried out fifties’ camper Pat Purcell’s  trick. “I would eat one of the foods my girlfriend didn’t like if she would eat my beets. I hated beets! The staff wanted us to clean our plates and there was some pressure for me to eat those beets and I got caught giving them away.”