Sports at camp consisted of tennis, archery, riflery and games. In the sixties, the archery field was located directly east of the main lodge; the badminton and volleyball field were to the left of the drive that led to the Infirmary; the baseball field and riding ring were located up the road from the archery. The tennis courts were located past the Infirmary, and the rifle range was past the tennis courts, but in other years, activities could have been located elsewhere.
Linda Lee Harp, who was the sports director in 1969, left a detailed report at the end of the summer. Her staff included Barb Grey in archery, Chris Lambert in tennis, Sue Wiegand in riflery and Jeanne Kiltie in games.
The west porch of the lodge was considered the ping-pong porch and a diagram of the lodge showed a small green cupboard on the east porch, along with the sports cupboard, with the riflery and archery equipment on the east porch. The shuffleboard equipment was in a long brown bench to the right of the fireplace, with the tennis racquets hung on the wall above the bench. The green benches were at the lakeside east wall, and stored badminton raquets and ping-pong equipment.
Stored in the archery cabinet were bows, arrows, targets, arm guards and finger gloves. The riflery cabiniet held the rifles and cleaning equipment. A small cupboard held badminton birdies, tennis balls, bases, first aid kit, extra riflery targets and the award sheets for archery and riflery.