Campers had several ways of getting to Camp Maqua, which included the bus that left from the Bay City YWCA or their parent’s vehicles. Once the girls arrived at camp, there was always a necessity to have a camp vehicle to provide transportation to and from overnight outings, emergency trips to the doctor or hospital, trips to church and shopping for supplies for camp.
The notes and minutes from ledgers at the YWCA discussed trucks as early as April 1, 1932. The camp committe had the decision whether to pay a flat rate to the YMCA or hire a truck and that summer they hired a truck on a mileage basis.
May 10, 1935, there was a mention in the minutes that read; “Balcer Brothers Bus Company has agreed to furnish busses for our campers at twenty-seven dollars a trip from Bay City to Camp Maqua.” Members of the camp committee, Mrs. Ramsey and Mrs. Hewitt were given the job of interviewing automobile dealers to secure a loan of a car for the camp season. The result was Mrs. Stegall of Packard Cars made sure Mrs. Ramsey’s car was in good condition and she loaned it to camp, even after two members investigated the loan of a car from a local dealer.
In 1936, the camp committee again discussed a camp car and Mrs. Hewitt suggested a station wagon, which was needed and could be purchased cheaper in the spring. “It is especially needed for transporting the girls to and from church on Sundays,” she said. Minutes in March stated there was still no decision, so the old car was sent to the factory “to be put in first class condition”.
By 1937, a station wagon was to be purchased for $500 in Detroit, “if a satisfactory finance can be worked out”, stated a committee member in the minutes, who also suggested the old camp car be sold for whatever money it could bring, and the March minutes verified the financing was agreed upon and the car was sold.
No mentions of vehicles were made until May 21, 1943, when the first item of business was to repair the station wagon, presumably the one purchased in 1937. “Work on the motor of the wagon has been done by the Travelers Garage at a cost of $68.05. After trying several places to get the woodwork put in good condition, Mrs. Macaulay finally took it to Saginaw to the Wienecke Company. Mr. Wienecke has promised to do a good job on it, the cost around $22. This will consist of almost an entirely new top and woodwork,” the report stated.
In 1945, ideas were discussed by the committee on how best to come up with money for a new station wagon. (Borrow from the finance committee, raise money through teas, bridge parties or food sales, some other money making project or something with the Community Chest, of which the YWCA was a member.)
On October 13, 1953, the minutes stated a station wagon had been offered to camp by Mr. Harry Richard.