Families That Felt Camp Was Theirs–The Watson Family


Stewart, Marney and Eleanor Watson felt like Camp Maqua was “Camp Watson” when the campers all went home for the summer.  “We stayed away in the summer, but when camp was closed, we could use all the buildings and property. Our main focus was the land between the lodge and Dutton,” said Stewart. “We had access to the rowboats for fishing and knew where to catch the pike. Many of the other buildings were in need of repair. We would roam the property, fish—even in winter with a shanty up, and one day I even shot a partridge from the porch on the west side, which wasn’t screened at that time. I had five kids within eleven years and my sister Eleanor had five and Marney had one, so we considered it our own camp.”

William and Alma, or “Ma and Pa Watson” moved to Hale from Bay City in the spring of 1952. William had saved all his dimes for a trip to California in 1951, and upon their return spotted the ad in the Bay City Times for caretakers for the camp. He had worked building P.T. boats in the shipyards as a finished carpenter for contractors and a “jack of all trades”—a perfect fit for whatever needed to be done at camp.

In the winter the Watsons lived mainly in the kitchen with a wood stove to keep them warm. During the camping season they lived in a twelve by twelve cabin past the infirmary. Stewart said you could see daylight through the slats of the cabin. The kids used to use the back two bedrooms on the east side, facing the lake, as their hunting cabin in the winter. “We were so cold! We would pile so many blankets on top of us that you could hardly see us,” he laughed. (The caretaker’s cabin or cook’s cabin is now located on the Gorman property.)

When the Watsons came to Maqua, the lodge was not level. It sagged so much that Mr. Watson jacked the entire building and strengthened the foundation. He was also responsible for the new road that came into the camp. The old road was on Putnam Road, but around the curve, and entrance was in the thickly wooded area on the right as you head to Long Lake. The original road followed the old railway tracks at the back of the property. Pa Watson planted White Pine trees along the new road coming into camp, and one of the same trees from those planting years still stands in the yard on Hillsdale Rd. where the Watson’s eventually built when the camp closed. Stewart and his wife Charlotte lived there for many years.

Stewart helped his father with the general maintenance at camp and around the summer of 1954 or 1955, Stewart built the Michigan fieldstone drinking fountain that still stands. He embedded three copper pennies in the top of the four-sided fountain, which stood for “Three Coins In The Fountain” after the movie of the same name, which was playing at the time of the construction.

Stewart graduated from Central High School in 1943, in the 12B session, which meant he had a January graduation. He recalled going back to school to get his report card and there was a session going on in the study room. “I followed the line that went in that door,” he said,” and they were taking a test. So, I sat down and took it, not knowing what it was for. I forgot about the test, and on August 8, 1943 I received a letter congratulating me for my 98/100 score. I had just been accepted into the USAF and it told me to report to Camp Custer. I had enlisted and did not even know it! Well, it was fine, since I had always wanted to fly. When I got out I went back to school on the G.I. Bill and had five years of college.”

“That last year I was in college there were four girls sitting at a table and we joined them. While I was sitting there, one of the girls introduced me to her friend that had just walked in the door. Charlotte and I have been married sixty two years.” (She has since passed away since this interview.)

Stewart had always gone to camps as a child. He and his two sisters attended Rainbow Lake Bible Camp near Stanton, Mich. Eventually, he would help start the Spring Hill Youth and Family Camp in Evart, which grew from 600-1,000 acres. He worked as President of the Board for five years and for eight years he was in charge of all the upkeep on the grounds. Having been involved in camps his whole life and as his father’s right hand man in his twenties, Stewart walked in the footsteps of his father until the camp closed.

His main career was with Dow Corning and Dow Chemical as an illustrator, creating all the audio visual aids, medical and patent drawings, including silicone breast implants, etc. Five years before he retired, he was “farmed out” to local artists, which was the beginning of the computer years. He retired in 1951.

What do you recall of the Watson family?






















Others Who Rented Camp

A group of men and women were to go to camp June 11, 1934, to clean and open Maqua, according to minutes and ledgers of the camp committee. Following the opening, “The Cigar Factory Girls” were to spend a weekend vacation at camp with a lifeguard on June 18. Camp was to open on June 27, but the counselors and other staff were up there ahead of opening day on June 23 of that summer.

“The committee agreed to allow fifteen business girls to attend Camp Maqua as a weekend trip with a charge of twenty-five cents per girl”, noted the minutes from May 22, 1936. By February 1937, the camp committee discussed keeping the camp open for families after season.

Minutes stated the camp was used for a conference from Michigan Sate University in 1941. By 1957, the camp committee was pondering how to rent the camp to school groups off-season when the lodge and cabins were not winterized.

By 1958 the Bay City Council of Churches and the Sterling High School Band utilized the camp. The band was charged $225 and they had to provide their own Red Cross certified lifeguard and prepare their own meals. It was mentioned in 1959 that the profits were increased by renting to these extra groups, and the structures did not “lie dormant” with no-one using them, so it was in the best interest financially to figure out the best plan.

The camp committee agreed on June 20, 1962 to run a blind ad in the Bay City Times stating that the camp could be rented by responsible parties for groups during the month of August. Various churches used the camp for their retreats in the early sixties, as well as the Oscoda High School band, and the Young Adult Group (the Y-Teens) with payment around $380. There were also mentions of exchange students participating in camp activities though the Council of Churches in the later sixties.

The Camp Maqua committee met on January 15, 1964 and one of the main topics concerned “Family Camp”, which started August 15-24 and was limited to ten families. The fee structure was $50 for adults 17 and older; $30 for children 5-16 inclusive; and $10 for children 4 and under. The camp investigated the type of insurance required for this type of camping and medicals were required. At the end of this camp experience, a letter arrived to the camp committee from Wayne State University in August regarding the creation of a family camp at Maqua.

Other mentions of rental were in 1971, when the Live-Y’ers used the camp and Peace River Lutheran Chruch from Rhodes, Michigan used the property and facilities for $400 and $10 per cabin. The committee restricted the use of boats and campers were restricted to the field, most likely in part to liability with water safety.

The entries found in some of the archival scrapbooks at the Great Lakes Bay Region YWCA in Bay City held pages of articles referring to the Girl Reserves and Business and Emplyoyed girls who would rent Camp Maqua off-season, as well as many other organizations.

Mixing With Mahn-go-tah-see

Some years there was fraternization with the boys’ camp and other years there was no social activities between the two camps. Marge Hasty (1946) had memories of meeting the boys by sailboat in the middle of the lake to pass “sneaky mail”, and said many of the counselors had boyfriends across the lake and this is how they passed the mail to them.

Susan Ruterbusch (1947-52) had camped in Huts 3 and 10 and later in Dutton above the Infirmary, which had wonderful windows that overlooked the lake. “The girls would dance around by the lake outside that building and say–I wish the boys from the camp across the lake could see us, but it was all wishful thinking.”

Michele Butsch “Missy” (1969-76) said she and all her friends always wanted a social or a dance with the boys from camp, but it never happened while she was there, even though she had heard other years had done just that.  Karen Magidsohn recalled the older boys had mixers with the Maqua girls, but never any dances while she was there in the sixties.

Vague memories of a mixer at some point during Ruth Wiesen’s years (1957-59) triggered the joke that the girls always bet if the boys would even show up! When the boys were asked over, it was not always an ideal situation. Sue West (1975+) recalled director Carol Neiman getting into trouble for allowing the male staff to come to Maqua for an evening of fun with the counselors. Other years there were mixers for the counselors, which was considered a big deal, according to Susan Prieskorn (1966-72), and there were no consequences.

Cindy Knapp’s two brothers camped across the lake, so she had been there on Parents’ Day, but she laughed over a mixer with the boys one summer. “We tried to get all fancied up for the dance and they seemed pretty intimidated by us.”

Viking Boats Across The Lake–

When Elaine Levinsohn (1927-30) camped at Maqua, there were no homes around, just a pretty lake with many trees. “All the girls knew there was a boys’ camp there,” she laughed, as she recalled a vague memory of boating over to the camp, like many before and after her years at camp.

As the boating director, Anne Pennington (1964-72) recalled some of the fun on the water on Hawaiian Day when the girls would decorate the canoes and rowboats. The boys across the lake would also decorate their large boat, which she said resembled a Viking ship. The boys tried to throw things from their boat onto the girls’ boat. One summer she was dating Larry Roberts, who was caretaker Homer Robert’s son from the boys’ camp and she enjoyed the mixers with the boy counselors in the pre-sessions the week before camp opened.

“I remember a beauty pageant in bathing suits with a Hawaiian theme’” said Tami Nagel, who camped in the sixties. “Although I can’t remember her name, she had blonde hair and she won something, and I remember the boys from Camp Mahn-go-tah-see coming over.”

Sarah Smith, whose camping years spanned the late sixties to the mid-seventies, had a vivid memory at the end of her camping experience when the boys came over from camp and she was chosen to be the Indian Maiden. “I had dark hair and dark skin, so that’s probably why I was chosen, but I was thrilled since I was a chubby kid.”

Maqua Declares War–

“One of the years I think some of the pranks got out of hand with the boys from Camp Mahn-go-tah-see. We had never had any official activities with them, but this one summer there was a mixer, so we got to know some of the boys. We would wave to them when we saw them on the lake and there was some pranking back and forth. One day we got a call on the phone, with the question of what would ten pounds of molasses do to our horses, so while we were at the stables checking, they showed up at the lodge and tee-peed the place, I think Carol  Nieman thrived on it, personally, “said Betsy Falvey (1968-75). “She was single, and flattered by the attention since she was young. But, all I could think of was how much work my Mom had done to raise money to keep the lodge and camp going and if it was going to get damaged. I was probably overly-sensitive.”

The banner at the heading of the “Loon” spelled “WAR” in huge letters. “On July 17, 1975, the sovereign and free, peace-loving land of Mahn-go-tah-see served upon Camp Maqua a declaration of war. This was not our first tangle with Mahn-go, but one of many”, the article continued.

“According to the declaration of war, Maqua was the camp that gave cause for the war to be declared. How? Well, on July 13, when some “young ambassadors” from Mahn-go entered our territorial waters, the declaration states that Maqua ambushed their “mere lads”. But, we say these men have nerve calling themselves “mere lads”. They are no more mere than we mere gals, and we know they are not mere. Therefore, these guys should own up to the fact that they came over here looking for some action, and we gave it to them.”

Pranks Between Two Camps–

“We loved to torment the boys across the lake,” laughed Geraldine Folkert (1942-47). “Every year we would paddle over and take their canoes, so they would have to paddle our boats back over to get theirs. We never really had any social outings with them, but I think some of the counselors used to mix with them.”

“We did little cabin pranks every summer, but by far the best prank was paddling over to Mahn-go-tah-see and escaping with their war canoe,” laughed Cindy Knapp (1968+). “We decorated it, renamed it the S.S. Maqua, covered it with shaving cream and seaweed. We were so proud of ourselves. Thankfully, we didn’t get into too much trouble.”

Judith Moore, assistant director, agreed that there were no organized mixers when she was at camp in 1970 and 1971, but also agreed the boys could get up to no good in the evenings, but never anything serious.

Carol Wahl (1974-75) loved that they never got caught when they took the big canoe, which could handle most of the staff, and paddled across the lake to the boys’ camp. “There were about ten of us that “tee-peed” the entire beach with toilet paper. Of course, they retaliated, but for the life of me I cannot remember how.”

“It was always tantalizing knowing the boys were across the lake,” said Pamela Hartz (1966-75), but for the staff, there were patrols to make sure the boys were not in Maqua. Shelley Harris (1965-75) recalled a whistle system for alerting when boys were in camp. Since Hut 5 was elevated, they could crawl under and knock on the floors to scare the girls.

“At night we could hear all the noises outside the cabin and when we were in Senior Village, we would do patrol or guard duty around the camp to check to make sure everyone was in their cabins and all was well,” said Chris Lambert (1958-65). “We were never worried about animals, but we were worried about the guys across the lake. One night we chased some of them and came pretty close to catching one, but he ran up Chapel Hill and made it to the property outside the camp. Good thing we didn’t get a hold of him,” she laughed. “He would have been a mess.”