Silver Burners–Shenanigans

I met the head of the orgy dome waiting for my Burner Bus. She invited me to come for a visit and I mutely nodded my head as I tried to picture myself in that environment. I knew there would be a little of something for everyone at Burningman, as I had studied hours of videos and read plenty of articles on the alternate lifestyles that would be represented. I suspended any form of judgment for lifestyles that were not of my own choosing and embraced the love and friendliness of this happening. Everyone I met gave out hugs like candy and it was so refreshingly spontaneous.

Our camp had one adult game, which only received a minimal amount of attention. I think our campmates wilted under the noonday sun and did not advertise to passersby as much as they desired their rest in the shade structure. The “Office Space” game was a hit, which was based on the movie by the same name. Flair buttons were passed around, a baseball bat was handy to beat the copy machine to smithereens and adult beverages were passed out as people described why they loved the movie, hated their jobs or loved the mat out front with the “Jump to conclusions” game.

I am quite sure my second-born daughter wanted to be there with me to make sure I played safe and did not do anything silly. Trust me, my desire for being in the moment at this event included no drugs and no drinking anything that I was unsure of, as in the days of my motherly admonishments to my own four offspring. I had plenty of opportunities, but also witnessed the aftereffects of some who had bad trips and over-excessive drinking. Not for me. One barefoot hippie wandered through our camp and asked if I wanted LSD and I said, “I have the best thing going right here in this cup with some great boxed Chardonnay.” (I”m pretty sure he was undercover.)

We did have some fun and games out there. While riding around in the blazing sun on our bikes, we took advantage of every person with a sprayer in their hands and received many “knee-gasms”, which included sprays behind the knees. Individuals would bark outside their campsites, especially on the marvelous Esplanade, to come in for massages, essential oils, or doctoring. Teri and I finally succumbed to Dr. Playa, where we received a cat scan (fluffy stuffed animal patted all over our bodies), a dognastic test, eye chart reading between our legs, ear, and nose cleaning for dust and finally and injection. (vodka-infused with wonderful flavors). We laughed for hours.

In the 4:30 sector, we were invited to a Gay Party. One daughter came with us and we had a ball filling out a questionnaire to determine what persuasion we were, before getting our “gay card”. The party was in full swing and we missed the genital imprinting on aprons. (Oh, dear me!) What we did not miss was the fun and conversation with two friends who invited us for a lovely cold pear margarita laced with laughter. Their large camp contained many vintage airstream trailers with outdoor spaces of gauzy curtains and shades. I was informed at the end of our stay that I was really a gay man in a woman’s body due to my wit.

Another local party, across from our camp, had great music set to a light creation that hung from a dome-shaped tent. Resplendent with curtains, large pillows, and cushy seating, we all sat mesmerized with the lights as we met new people. It was cooler in the evenings and nice that we could just walk a few feet to our tents and crash when we wanted to leave.

We meet people from all over the world, many who were there for the first time. Half of the people I met had been there multiple times. Their stories were wonderful. How they came to Burningman or why they decided to do this for the first time or why they continued to come. My project included sending four moleskin journals out with the question, “What Brings You To Burningman?” and I hope they end up back in my possession for a future story. Besides the art installations, I came to be energized by meeting new people.

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