There were no records of camp committee minutes referring to Sue Patenge as the director during summers 1972-74, but Rhonda Thayer and Carol Hulett were at camp during those years and had totally opposite impressions of her, as did a few other counselors, parents and campers. Sue had been a physical education teacher in Mt. […]
Amy Falvey
My (Gang) Went There !#4
Nancy Michelson was one of four sisters who attended in the sixties and seventies. Close in age, they were known at “The Michelson Girls”. Their mother was not only behind the sisters going to camp, she was the ringleader of the many girls from Flint who attended in the late forties. Ellen Hydorn was part […]
Reverse Homesickness–#1
“I loved camp from the first day. I never remember being the least bit homesick, nor did I ever see my sister, except in passing,” said Kay Alcorn, who was bunked in Cabin Two (in the forties) closest to the lodge, with a counselor and seven others in bunk beds. “I got a prized […]
I Can’t Wait To Go!
Not every young camper who packed off to camp loved the idea of time away from their parents, sharing a room with sometimes seven strangers and spiders, or eating food that was not cooked by Mom, but for the majority of girls those summers were the days that memories were made of. Cara Prieskorn’s accounts […]