Hut Sayings and Expressions–

How many of you could identify the era a girl camped by the expressions, slang or sayings of the times? If you can’t remember some of the famous ones, go to this site for a memory refresher—- Judy Alcorn wrote the famous sayings in 1947 for the “Loon”, which included Dona Johnson’s “We never do […]

Snakes, Raids and Miseries—

  “Cabin B was my favorite as a camper. “Dizzy” was my counselor. I have to say I was a practical joker and could be sarcastic at times, but she loved my personality. There was one who did not like me, but “Dizzy’ laughed at everything I did,” said Susan Kiltie. (1967+) “Dorthe was not […]

Heartless Practical Jokers–

Dorthe Balaskas, despite her director status, was the target of many pranks, but was on the giving end of many reprimands. In 1965, the “Loon” chronicled the prank that was played on her on July 5th around the flagpole.“Bathing Suits Billows In The Balmy Breeze” was the title of the article that described the swimsuit […]

Squeezing In A Few More Tricks—

The “Loon” during the summer of 1965 listed the favorite pranks of the girls. “Short sheeting Reb’s bed, croquet balls in Archie’s mattress, cold cream in someone’s sheets, purse hidden near the fire bowl, bristles were taken off a toothbrush with a jackknife, the honor banner was hidden, a fluffy slipper was hidden in a […]

Stories In The Night–

o As and extrovert, Kathy Krohn (1965-68) always made friends easily and despite knowing some of the girls from school, she loved meeting new ones. The assistant director at the time, “Beanie”, used to call her “Itty Bitty Wee One” after the story about Montague the Rabbit she always told the campers and because Kathy […]

Funny Stories–

What is it about peeing and stories about peeing that can bring girls to hysterics? One of the funniest things Sandy Indianer (1967) learned at camp that stayed with her forever was to learn to pee outside in the woods. She was not alone, as many campers felt like that was an important fear to […]