Docks, floats, rafts and boathouse took on many shapes and forms to create swimming and boating areas on Loon Lake over the course of fifty-four years at Camp Maqua. Floats were made with drums fitted to them (donated by Imperial Oil) in 1933, according to notes in a ledger book “Removed front half of the platform […]
Barbara Haggart
Seventies Staffing and Issues #1
The first two years of seventies’ directorship belonged to Barbara Haggart, also known as “Beanie”, whose directors reports were less detailed than her predecessor, but did not diminish her leadership qualities or her staff’s love for her as she ran the camp with educational experience and her previous years as an assistant under Dorthe Balaskas. […]
Sixties Staffing and Issues #9
The camp aides were Sue Purdue, Sandra Hines, and Norma Hancock. “It was Super’s first year as a staff member,” she wrote,” and this is not always an easy transition to make from camper especially when your friends are here, but Sue hurdled this part of growing up and did eventually become a full fledge staff member.” She […]
Sixties Staffing and Issues #6
Shy, quiet Linda Doering was even more so at Camp Maqua as a first time counselor in 1967. Her friend and fellow Physical Education major from Western Michigan University, Barbara Haggart, recruited her as the Boating Director that summer. “Beanie” also nicknamed her “Yakky” and the name stuck for her next few years on staff. […]
Sixties Staffing and “Flash”
The older girls were always more difficult to please and no one knew that more than Sue Wiegand, (bottom row on right) who was in charge of cabin C that summer of 1967. Sue was a sophomore at Western Michigan University studying Physical Education, Speech and Drama in 1966, “stewing about a summer job”. Her […]
Directors #7
“I was the director for three years and I always regretted that I did not go back, but life circumstances, plus searching for a permanent teaching job kept me away,” said Beanie (Barbara Haggart) a little wistfully. “My years at Maqua were the happiest of my life. People who have not experienced the camaraderie missed […]