You Can Never Have Enough—-

Many campers could trace their present day love for all things arts and crafts to their days at Maqua, including Maggie Young, who felt so fortunate to have the exposure during the sixties and seventies. Carol Requadt (1945) could still remember the cedar smell of the craft hut where she loved working with her hands. […]

Bullets and Bows–

“I loved the riflery and still have my NRA diplomas and archery certificates from camp, “ said Diane “Dodo” Dudley (1957-63). “I still shoot and use my pellet guns to shoot at balloons or targets. I am not much for the rifles anymore, since they make too much noise, but I have been back and […]

Hop On The Bus!

“Camp Goers Too Busy To Worry About Weather” read the headline from a local Bay City newspaper pasted into the archival scrapbook. “Grade School Registered At Maqua Today: 25 Travel By Bus” was the second headline. “Too agog about going to camp to care about the gray weather, and too busy lugging crowded bags to […]

Dutton and the Infirmary

The farmhouse on the shores of Loon Lake was the first structure used as the main building in the summer of 1924 when the Camp Maqua property was purchased. “Dutton was a farm house on the property, and this was used the first and second years and about twelve girls could be accommodated at one […]