Mixing With Mahn-go-tah-see

Some years there was fraternization with the boys’ camp and other years there was no social activities between the two camps. Marge Hasty (1946) had memories of meeting the boys by sailboat in the middle of the lake to pass “sneaky mail”, and said many of the counselors had boyfriends across the lake and this […]

Where The Boys Are—

For decades Camp Maqua girls made jokes about the  Camp Mahn-go-tah-see boys’ camp across the lake; how maybe they would swim over to see them; or the boys would boat over past them, so they could see them. And as many of them that dreamt of that, there were thse girls who said they were […]

Spam and Supplies–

An undated (presumably early twenties’ or thirties’) news article in the archives boasted not only the benefits of camp, but “simple, plain food of sufficient variety and excellent quality—milk and cream from an improved farm near the camp, and fresh fruit, vegetables and eggs—from neighboring farmers”. There was a dietician on staff and health standards […]