Counselors Share Their Stories #2

The boathouse was the place Barb Rehmus loved as a cabin counselor in the seventies. “ I still have memories of the little girls I had. One Dad said he would give me $5 for every pound (she) gained that summer. I knew she would never gain any weight with all the activities and running […]

Counselors Left Their Mark

“The year was 1947 and we were all in a tent down the hill to the right of the lodge. We should have been known as the dirty shoes and socks gang. There was a counselor that said her name was Julianna Knockalulu  Desdemona Pocohantas Bubble Gum Duck Face Ford. Some important things you just never forget”, […]

Reverse Homesickness–#4

For those girls who were campers and then moved into staffing positions at Maqua, their memories of the girls leaving and their own feelings continued to be strong. They had to say goodbye to campers at every session and watch as girls left with many emotions. “One cherished memory for me is the sight of […]

Issues of Society

The issues of society crept into camp life in some ugly and sometimes disturbing ways, despite the relative isolation of the property. Vague memories from Randi Wynne-Parry (1969-73) included a guy lurking by the bathroom, which put the camp on a lockdown protocol. ‘I liked how aware the staff was of such things,” she said. […]