Camp As A Family Tradition–

Aside from the wonderful experiences and skills the girls learned at camp, many were so enamored with their adventures, they made sure their kids attended a camp. “Camp was definitely one of my top life highlights and memories that I have ever done, “ said sixties camper Holly Foss. “It was always the highlight of […]

Stories In The Night–

o As and extrovert, Kathy Krohn (1965-68) always made friends easily and despite knowing some of the girls from school, she loved meeting new ones. The assistant director at the time, “Beanie”, used to call her “Itty Bitty Wee One” after the story about Montague the Rabbit she always told the campers and because Kathy […]


Having the opportunity to camp with girls of all ages, backgrounds and religions helped to develop Kathy Krohn’s (1965-68) sense of self at a very young age. “It was very freeing to be around so many types of people. I felt no prejudices, despite being Jewish. I just felt a great group dynamic and it […]

Passing On The Songs—

The legacy of camp songs continued to be passed down through the generations as campers and staff sang the camp songs to husbands, friends, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, patients in their practices or students in their classrooms. The songs and singing were a standout to Audrey Graff (1948), who taught all three of her children […]

Swimming Tests–

“Swimming was always the main outdoor sport. Beginners advanced to red caps and once they could swim fifty yards, jump into the water over their heads, float on their backs and fronts and complete a dive kneeling from the raft, they earned a green cap. A blue cap was earned when the girls could swim […]

Leeches and What Lurked Under Water

Those dreaded “blood suckers”. Out of all the scary experiences relayed to me by the campers, it was the number one fear. It is as if the little girl nightmare of the monster in the deep could still reach up and grab a leg and attach themselves to poor innocent camping swimmers in Loon Lake. […]